Enrolment Submissions for 2024 are due on Thursday 22 June 2023. Parents and carers who have not completed this process yet are kindly reminded to submit their child’s Enrolment Application Form by the aforementioned date.

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth


Before students commence their work experience end of Term 2, their Life Skills & Wellbeing course prepares them for this invaluable experience. In class, Year 10 students will be learning how to develop and write their resume and explore options for work, as well as how to obtain an Australian tax file number.They also role play work interviews and refine their communication skills to ensure high performance in interviews, which are held externally with interviewers from various industries.Work Experience Week allows students to get an insight into working life. Students seek and apply for their own placements (with some assistance from the Careers Pathways Coordinator if required) and experience a working environment, find out more about a particular industry and just generally experience what it means to have to get up and go to work each day. They learn about safety in the workplace and how to be an organised, reliable and responsible worker. It is a compulsory component of the Year 10 program because these are essential life skills that assist students in developing their future career plans.

Safe@Work safety certificates – compulsory preparation for work experience DEECD work experience requirements




Create an account to access the search database for work placement and get a free resume template and tips.

Work experience directory 


(ADD Work Experience attachment forms and handbook/log book)

Applying for a Tax File Number

Visit the Australian Taxation Office website to apply for a Tax File Number 


All details on how to apply are on this website. You will need to complete an online form, then print it and take it along with your Identification documents to your interview with an Australia Post outlet. Apply for a Tax File Number BEFORE you start working. Take a look at this video from the ATO: ATO video on getting a Tax File Number


St Marys Coptic Orthodox College offers a complete educational experience – from Foundation to Year 12.

The College fosters a true community spirit.

We maintain high academic standards, smaller class sizes and a caring, inclusive and supportive community.

Our teachers are deeply committed to seeing each student realise their God-given potential


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